Thursday, August 2, 2018

State of the Nation Address Reaction

              Our President's 3rd SONA revolves with so many highlights and are important. He started his speech saying "About 2 years ago, I solemnly took my oath as a worker of the national government. I was inspired to institute real changes for the greater good of the Filipino people."

             Our President is really doing his best to fulfill his duties and all the responsibilities given to him. We all know that he is doing what he can just to change our country for good. In his third state of the nation address, he first highlight that the war on drugs is far from over because he is more concern on human lives not human rights. He also addresses that corruption must stop to improve delivery of services. He also said that the budget for Mindanao is being increased and he promised that by the end of his term, he wants to see the fulfillment of his promise. He also emphasized that war is not an option, which is great because in this, it will help other people to be aware that war ca never be an option and can cause many problems in our lives and especially our country. He really is determined to change our county and give peace as he conducted more efforts to stop all the wrong doings of our fellow citizens. He is inserting much effort as he promised to change our nation. Our life is more important than anything, we should be aware of that and our President is doing his best to protect each one of us. In illegal drugs, he said that it wasted away lives, dysfunctionalized families and ruined relationships. We should help him also in doing what is right because it is also for our own good and not just for him.

             We are Filipinos and we help each other. In his term, we should be cooperating and helping each other so that we can achieve our freedom. Freedom that we all want to achieve a long time ago.


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