Wednesday, August 15, 2018


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In our first quarter lessons, I have learned a lot of things like the use of the search engines and of course the history of the internet that I always use but not knowing the things that are related to it. It teaches me how to use it properly and I also learned that every web page you visit, make sure that it is valid. I learned the use of the www and its meaning. I have learned a lot of things in our first quarter lessons because our teacher also helps us understand it more.

The problems/challenges that I have encountered is that I am more used to using the internet browsers and not knowing the disadvantages like if there are viruses that can affect my laptop of is it save to open that particular website. I think most people using internet is just like me. We don’t care if it can cause damages or problems to our devices, we just use it and that’s all.

In learning our lessons about internet, I have known a lot of tings about it and how to use it properly. Now that I have learned the right things, I make sure that the website I enter is safe. I don’t just search and then enter. I am much aware that it can affect my device if I’m doing the wrong things. I have learned my lessons.

Moving on, I will continue to do what I have learned in the first quarter of ICT 10. It is a helpful lesson because it teaches not also me but all of us on how to handle the web pages we visit and the websites we enter. This will help me on researching and doing things in the internet. I am sure that this lesson I’ve learned will remain to me till I grow older because we use internet in our daily lives.


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