Monday, August 27, 2018

Filipino, Staying Strong!

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Many disasters has already damaged our country. All of it has a great impact to each and everyone of us. But despite all the hardships, we stayed strong and succeeded those challenges.

Philippines, our country is inside the Pacific Ring of Fire, we are experiencing many disasters like volcanic eruption, earthquakes and typhoons that includes flooding, landslides and damage to properties. Every year, we are experiencing different disasters that many of the Filipinos are getting used to it. As a Filipino citizen who also experiencing those disasters, I believe that it is a challenge that God has given us that even though many people die, there are those who succeeded. We are living not only for ourselves and not because God has created us but to fight every challenges and problems that he gives. Despite all of it,we’re still fighting for our lives, we still managed to fight every challenges that may come. It is evidently shown that every time we are facing disasters, we are helping each other to get over the challenge given. We are helping others not only ourselves because that is the only thing that we could possibly do if we’re stuck in evacuation area.

Helping people is one of the most important thing to do during disasters or emergencies. But there are still those who are so selfish to even help others. But we surely will fight and stay connected to God because he always give us challenges that he knows we can succeed of.


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