Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Updated Version Of Me

          Every new year, you'll see the cliche caption that says "New Year, New Me" in the social media. It is not that every human can be their new self, right? Everyone of us is not perfect and have differences.

          Instead of saying that this new year, it'll be the new me, I will say that this new year, it will be the updated version of me. I think it's about time we put this whole idea that a new year makes us a different person because it isn't. The only thing that really changes is the date but ourselves, it's up to us if we'll change for the better or to stay who we are and who we want us to be. This new year, I want to update myself by doing things that will benefit me and to help me grow and to be a good person. First, I will make self-care a priority. Self-care isn't just one thing and is not the same thing to everyone. Basically, self-care means taking time to focus on things that contribute to your well-being. In the past years, I've been very careless with myself. I got my elbow dislocated and nearly locked myself up at our bathroom. This year, I'll try making self-care a priority. Just remember that everybody's not perfect and also remember to have compassion for ourselves. Don't over-react because there are going to be days when you'll mess up, just like me. But it's okay, perfection is overrated anyways. The second one is important for me. Breath. When I feel getting stressed out or anxious in things, I forget to breath, not literally, but to rest. This past few days, I found out that letting out a long sigh is so overwhelming. Taking a few deep breaths throughout the day can help me relax and find more presence and peace especially when I'm stress because of school works. The next one is gratitude. Because gratitude is the attitude. Instead of counting all the things that gone wrong, always be grateful for a healthy body, home, school, the sunshine, the flowers, friends and family around you. I'll try to count all the things that go right and watch things transform. I know that all those problems will turn into great opportunities. I know that by focusing on what we have, we get more of that back. Lastly, I want to surround myself with things that makes me happy. If it doesn't deserve me, I'll let it go. If it's not worth it, let it go. Life is too short and way too uncertain to spent it surrounded by things that will drain me, that will hurt me. I want to focus on things that makes me feel loved, fulfilled and happy.

          New Year is not all about getting your resolutions done and fulfilled. It's not the time of the year that all you ant is what you get, because let's face it, the "new year, new me" pressure means we tell ourselves off for it and make ourselves feel guilty. Which, in turn, only puts us off keeping to resolutions in the long-run. And in the end, most of us have thought "What's the point?", when breaking one so early on right? Let's stop with the resolutions. Let's stop it with the "new year, new me" and just focus on the "new me".

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