Wednesday, March 6, 2019

My dream, My Future

          Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen. "Live your values, pursue your dreams, and follow your passions" this really implies the true ways we must do to have the best future life we could possibly have.

          Over my life time, I would like to achieve many things but there are more important things that I would like to accomplish. I have been exhilarating by my dreams from the day I knew why I came into this world to so far and even in future which makes me different from others. It is a goal, an aim, a direction for my life. It is not strange from the outside but from the inside. Everyone has dreams. Whether they become a doctor, teacher, engineer, architect and many more. Just think positively because possibilities are endless. For me, I plan to become a nurse someday. Maybe at the age of 27, I will settle down and marry someone. I would also want to travel around the world. At my age, that's just what i'm planning for my future but we don't know the possibilities that will happen on my future. I'll just study hard to make it happen and never give up.

          As you can see, my dreams aren't that big. My parents expect a lot of me so I will strive hard to meet their expectations. My dreams are what keeps me going and is keeping me fighting.

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