Thursday, July 12, 2018

Why Do We Celebrate Independence Day?

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        Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life. Life without liberty is like life without  spirit.

        We celebrate independence day in honor of our heroes. They sacrificed their own life just to achieve freedom from those who tried to destroy us and our country.It is a celebration in which we look back to those hardships, misery and all the suffering of our fellow Filipinos who fought for the rights and for our liberty. It must be important for us as how they fight for our freedom. We must give them what they deserve in doing everything for our country, they deserve to be memorized, acknowledge and be recognize so that even decades will pass, they will still be recognize because of their contribution on achieving freedom of our country.

        We Filipinos should give pride to them because even though we didn't completely achieved our freedom, they fight and tried their best to at least help our country get rid of the 3 countries who colonized us. We should give them respect and honor in all they've done for our country. Let us make sure that their legacy will always be recognized and will stay alive.

Reference: http.//

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