Sunday, October 21, 2018


Related image   In our second quarter lessons, I have learned a lot of things like the use of the tags and of course the use of them that I always use but not knowing the things that are related to it. It teaches me how to use it properly and I also learned that every tags we use has its different use, make sure that it is properly used. I learned the use it properly and learned its meaning. I have learned a lot of things in our second quarter lessons because our teacher also helps us understand it more even though we don't have enough time to study our lessons.

The problems/challenges that I have encountered is that I am not aware of those tags that is important in an HTML document, I am not familiar about those things. I think most people are just like me. We don’t care if it can cause damages or problems to our devices, we just use it and that’s all.

In learning our lessons about tags, I have known a lot of things about it and how to use it properly. Now that I have learned the right things, I make sure that i can apply it properly and correctly. I don’t just type it and then go. I am much aware that it can affect my documents if I’m doing the wrong things. I have learned my lessons.

Moving on, I will continue to do what I have learned in the second quarter of ICT 10. It is a helpful lesson because it teaches not also me but all of us on how to correctly and properly apply the tags that are supposed to be used. This will help me more on doing the right things on the HTML documents.


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity

   This year marks the 70th anniversary of the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. "Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty."

    The persistence of poverty, including the extreme poverty is a major concern of each government in a country. It aims to ensure that the active participation of people living in extreme poverty and those furthest behind is a driving force in all efforts amde to overcome

Gurong Pilipino: Turo mo, Kinabukasan ko.

    My teacher, my hero. My teacher, my future. The theme gives tribute to the contribution of the Filipino teachers to the future of their students, despite the low wage and the few benefits they receive each month. 

   Our teachers have their own style in teaching the lessons and concepts to their students, but ultimately, their goal is one. This is the evolution of their students' knowledge, not just technical knowledge but also the moral behavior they have to grow up. Because of the power of teachers to influence young people, they have great impact on the future of their students. Many students take inspiration from their teachers to become a role model in our society. Doctors, engineers, lawyers, professionals and many more are the results of teachers teaching us. It is our right to give tribute to our teachers for their sacrifices everyday for us, students, despite their low salaries.

  Let's all give our teachers respect and gratitude when it comes to our future growth. Our future is our dept to our great teachers. 

WAVE FRONT: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancement

 Image result for wavefront: accentuating potentials, activating technological advancement   The theme urges everyone of us to use our talents, maximize our knowledge and unleash our potentials so that we can contribute in the development, progress and advancement of our technology. We may not know it but even the smallest efforts we made can contribute to our society and inspire others to take actions too.

    Technology has been long present in the world. However, we use it in an abusive manner. We must learn to discover our own inner potentials so that we can contribute to technological advancement in our own way. Our passion for something can lead us to find ways to make our work more efficient. Contributing to more efficiency is a technology itself because it helps us make our life, our living, easier. If we can discover our potentials as early as now, we will know more about ourselves such as our weaknesses and  strengths. If we know these, we can capitalize our own strengths and improve our weaknesses or overcome them.

    Who knows, we might be the next great scientist, doctor, architect, engineer, teacher, or officer in the future, but regardless of what occupation we might have, if we can accentuate our potentials, we can surely make a difference to make this world a better place, just like how technology does it.
