Wednesday, January 2, 2019

True Essence of Christmas

      It's the most wonderful time of the year. The time of the year where everyone's happy, blessed and loved. It's the only time of the year where everyone will gather and be jolly. It's the time when God was born .

      What is the true essence of Christmas? J. C Penney wrote, 'Christmas is not just a time for festivity and merry making. It is more than that. It is a time for the contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving.' Christmas is not all about merry making. We must also spare time to reflect on the essence of the period which is the love of God for humanity. Some may have planned to marry this year, to buy a new car or to move into their new apartment. We should count ourselves lucky to be alive to see this Christmas . An another year that's ending. This should be a period of gratitude to God for sparing our lives and counting us among the living . It should equally be an opportunity for us to mend our ways with God so that we will not be found wanting.

        The true spirit behind Christmas is that of giving and sharing .

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities.

      Every human being was created equally. Equal rights, freedom, and love. We should show respect to others and also self-respect. We are obligated to be kind to one another and to love each other. Love everyone not hurt each other because that's the right thing to do.

      In this century where everyone are free frik doing what they want, there arrare still harassments and discriminations going on. We are free from evil and cruelty in the past. We should have our own rights because every human being was given the rights to choose what they want and what they love. God has given us our own rights because that's part of our existence in this world full of cruelty, judgment and injusticeinjusticeinjustice. Each and everyone of us was given rights that's supposed to be equal. We deserve equal rights because we are all human that God created. From that time that he created us, he gave us our rights and as we grow, he gives us many opportunities. We should be thankful in that but now that the world is changing, we can't feel the equality in everything. Equal rights, equal opportunities and also the gender equality.

        We have the right to have our own equal rights and get equal opportunities because we are all human after all. We all have rights and opportunities and it should be serve equal.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Children, Our Future!

            Dr. Jose Rizal once said that "Ang kabataan ay ang pag-asa ng bayan", in this connection, every child, youth, can be the future leaders, future heroes of our nation. Taking care of them and giving them their rights can make it possible.

            The wealth of a nation is not so much in its economical and natural resources but it lies more decidedly in the kind and quality of the wealth of its children and youth. It is they who will be the creators and shapers of a nation's tomorrow. The children of today will be adults of tomorrow. Today's leaders and activist. Their quality and personality will determine the kind of destiny that beakons the nation. The youth of a nation is it's power-house. They have boundless stores of energy, will, capability, zeal, and enthusiasm and have the power to mold the destiny of the nation. This infinite storehouse of energy has to be given appropriate direction. The youth has to be trained to use their talents and abilities in constructive ways and help in nation-building and strengthening of it.

           The best way to engage the youth into playing such a constructive role is ti educate them with proper training in the desired direction.

Reference: www,